Next Weight Loss | Smart Workout Tips for Beginners

3 min readJun 27, 2021

Smart Workout Tips for Beginners

We requested our fitness experts to put together a compact list of do’s and don’ts for every beginner to follow. So for those of you who have taken that healthy decision to get off the couch and start exercising, we say, Bravo! You have taken the first step towards a healthier mind, body and spirit.

Common Mistakes in Powerlifting

Often time people confuse powerlifting with weightlifting. Let me make it clear to you powerlifting is a competitive sport that engages individuals in which competitors attempt to lift as much weight as they can repeatedly in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Another Good Reason to Wear Wrist Wraps During a Workout

During heavy or max effort lifts in pressing movements and overhead lift, the wrist can be pulled with excessive extension under load and result in compromised mechanics, failed lifts and the possibility of injury. Sore wrist, fatigue wrist, stress on the wrist are common among bodybuilders and powerlifters. Bench press, power cleans, standing shoulder press and other intense routines can cause sore wrist. Also, incorrect techniques and poor flexibility can cause complications in your wrists. Luckily, injuries or complications on the wrist from heavy lifting can be prevented by using a wrist wrap.

Max Gains Probiotica: Does It Regulate Cholesterol Effectively?

Max Gains Probiotica claims that it does proper justice to the name of this probiotic supplement. It maximizes the intake of essential nutrients in your body to improve general health, regulate the level of blood sugar and the level of cholesterol. This dietary supplement also provides all muscle-building requirements but dos not cause any harm to the body. The product is aimed at restoring your natural ability to gain muscle mass. Apart from that this supplement helps your gut lining to facilitate proper absorption of all the vital nutrients from the food you eat. It also prevents bacterial fungus in your gut.

How Weightlifting Belts Work And What Weightlifting Belt to Choose

A weightlifting belt primarily supports your abs, not (directly) your back. It sounds backwards, but here’s why: the belt acts like a second set of abs to prepare your entire body to lift heavy loads. To brace yourself for those super heavy lifts you’d take a deep belly breath and hold it, a method of “breathing” called the Valsalva maneuver.

Do Lifting Weights Make Women Look Less Feminine?

Ladies, this one is for you. Do you lift weights as part of your fitness regime? Are you afraid you will look too muscular? In today’s article, we break it down as to why you should lift.

How to Properly Barbell Bench Press and Barbell Squat

The bench press and the squat are two great workouts for building muscle. Learn how to properly perform them by reading this article.

Lose Belly Fat Quicker and Build Muscle With This Six-Pack Diet

An eating plan to double your fat loss without missing any muscle-building nutrients. This is a good way to start your diet with this recipe that is very easy to follow. This very much suitable for every type of person for every type of activity each may have.

Will Lifting Heavy Weights Make You Bulky?

Many people who aspire to good health and a sleek physique, particularly women, eschew weight training because they fear it will make them big and muscular. Many others, particularly men, embrace it for precisely the same reason. So what are the facts? Does weight training, or weight lifting, make you bulky?

How to Build Muscles Naturally

Tired of being the skinny one? Gaining muscles is the dream of every person. The heavier you lift, the more your strength and muscles will be.

Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass As We Age?

On average, by the time we reach the age of 60 we lose about 30 percent of our muscle mass. These are the things most people take for granted because of age. The first thought is right, no one can stop ageing, however, we can change most of the age-related issues that come along with it. Muscle loss is no different from other things that come along with ageing.

Is Cold Weather Beneficial For Testosterone

Is winter good for your testosterone? Find out in this article where we cover everything you need to know to get the answer.

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